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Friday, March 14, 2025

10 Years with Galaxywalker

10 years gone in the blink of an eye… Everything began with light, such a light…but as time went by, it became dark and darker. Just like the DARK… the dark matter and energy that swallows gigantic galaxies all over the universe. The very dark that is the heaven of true sage and wise visitors of earth. Yes, we are only visitors…

The last time I had a chance to write something in English weblog, was 5 years ago!!! As a matter of fact Don Juan came and snatched me out of this world! Translating Carlos Castaneda books and experiencing the very experiences of his, was a time consuming matter and took all my time and energy. And of course DARK happened and had its Irreversible Moth Effect on me… (DARK Series by Baran bo Odar). I am really proud that I had a chance to translate the books about wisdom of Don Juan and ancient shamans of Mexico. Although Carlos Castaneda was actually the Judas of Don Juan group and by publishing the Magical Passes, betrayed his master, but the effect of Don Juan teachings, even retold by an unbeliever such Castaneda, was something out of this universe. As far as I know, Don Juan is the only person on this planet who has revealed everything and I mean everything…   

Summer 2023


New Songs on Music Sky

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  • اجرای زندۀ ترانۀ نوستالژی، با صدای جاودانۀ خولیو ایگلسیاس - Nostalgie Julio Iglesias +

    نوستالژی ما شبیه هم هستیم، تو آرام و ملایمی، و من هم همین‌طور... جاودانه، همچون نوستالژی...اجرای زندۀ ترانۀ نوستالژی با Read More
  • کلیپ و ترجمۀ ترانۀ شش روبان، از سریال خاطره‌انگیز در برابر باد Six Ribbons By Jon English +

    ترجمۀ ترانۀ شش روبان از سریال خاطره‌انگیز «در برابر باد»... با صدای جاناتان اینگلیش، بازیگر نقش جاناتان گرت این ترانه Read More
  • Darkest Night- تاریک ترین شب +

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Galaxywalker is official website of Ghazal Ramezani

Email: info@galaxywalker.net